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Re: unable to play

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:04 pm
by LordTrev80
when I did play it wasn't with my own name . The game will not let me play in that name .

Re: unable to play

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:20 pm
by Mwh65
Okay click on "David" then bottom left click on "SET DEFAULT".

Making sure it shows "David (Default)", highlight "Player" then click on "DELETE PLAYER". Do the same for "Computer Player".

Close PG then re-open it.

Re: unable to play

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 5:11 pm
by LordTrev80
Took screenshots again. Nothing seems to change . Cannot use my name and cannot put in any other names . Still get player coming up ok .I would play as player if it would keep my playing settings Conflict with Steam ? Going to have a break as its doing my nut in .
Thanks for your support Mark

Re: unable to play

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 5:55 pm
by Mwh65
You're showing 2 different screens for the "Characters" :hmmm:

Can you not click on "David" and make it DEFAULT?

Re: unable to play

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 6:34 pm
by LordTrev80
I can Mark but it makes no difference . Where as before I could just select a course . Click my name and off I went . Now if I click my name after selecting my course it doesn't seem to recognise it . I was able to play with 3 players all set up as player with no name . Although I set all of them to professional they reverted to beginner . So the game part seems ok its the setting up the round that seems the problem.
I have just tried uninstalling and reinstalling for the 3rc time having removed everything from the folders .
Could it be that Steam are the problem and I'm getting a buggy download ?

Re: unable to play

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 7:49 pm
by Mwh65
I can only suggest letting me take remote control of your PC if you agree.

I can meet you in M & G at a time convenient to both of us tomorrow?

Re: unable to play

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 12:58 pm
by LordTrev80
Ok Mark
In the mean time I'm going to try playing on my wife's laptop . Maybe that will shed some light .

Re: unable to play

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 1:00 pm
by LordTrev80
Oh and what is M&G ? :unsure:

Re: unable to play

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 2:15 pm
by LordTrev80
Update Mark
I set up Steam on my wife's laptop and downloaded Perfect Golf from my library . Exactly the same problem . I think its a Steam problem with my version of the game . Do Steam allow a completely new install as if I was buying the game from new i.e. getting rid of everything in my library version ? Its no loss restarting the game as it holds no data and I've saved the courses .
If I had the old DVD disc version I could do this . Has anyone else had the big golf ball and unable to load their character , clubs etc settings for their game .
How do I contact a human being at Steam to be able to install a completely clean version .
The remote thing you asked I would rather not do . Please do not be offended but I'm a tad wary of the info etc my PC holds .Maybe a pm chat ?
As I've said . Massive thanks for your patience so far .

Re: unable to play

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:07 pm
by Mwh65
That makes no sense. :hmmm:

The chances of Steam downloading a corrupt game to 1 PC/laptop is unlikely, let alone 2. As far as I know there never was a DVD version.

Once you login to Steam all the games you purchased are listed and all are digital downloads.

M & G is Meet & Greet which is the PGLS chatroom ...
