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Re: Aberdeen Golf Club

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:42 pm
by Bluesman
Scott may i make a suggestion. Send a message to Kevin G., he is THE BEST beta tester in the business. He will do a complete thorough test of your course and when he is done he will send a complete data report to you on what exactly needs to be done to get the course up to scratch. This usually takes about 2 to 3 days, depending on how much he finds, he's that thorough.

Re: Aberdeen Golf Club

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 11:31 pm
by ScottL48

Thanks for that info and I have already heard from Kevin on Tuesday, he played the course and found some things not many and they were minor issues, trees in fairway, low FPS on 2 tee box's and a flythrough wasn't working, he thought that I should address and I fixed the issues that he mentioned to me so all is fixed now and I will be putting it up to Mark tomorrow for all to play and maybe they will use it one day in one of the tournaments.

I really appreciate the time that you have spent looking at the course and I hope that everyone enjoy's it as well. It is a tough course I think and that is why I designed it that way so that it was challenging. So you will see more from me coming up, will give this one a go and see what type of responses that we get about it.

Thanks again,

Re: Aberdeen Golf Club

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 12:27 am
by davefv92c
Scott, I noticed you put the challenge tees in this one some shots are too long to use in the weekly skills tourney
on your next course please put them so they can be played CTP and I am sure it will be used in the skills tourney. if you have any questions
just play the skills tourney and you will get the idea. or if you want help with those tees I will offer my time as I have done this for a few of the other designers and like to be of help.

thanks much for the hard work you have given
us on this one I have played it a few times already and enjoy it.

Re: Aberdeen Golf Club

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 2:17 pm
by ScottL48
I pleased to say that Aberdeen Golf Club can now be added to the courses as a regular course and not a beta anymore, I hope that everyone enjoys it and has a lot of good rounds on it as well.!QAhnSBZY!DZ0SkotJvOHB ... AMbepaE-4o

Thank you,

Re: Aberdeen Golf Club

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 2:58 pm
by ScottL48

I went through the course and the only skills challenge is on the par 3's, as there are only 4 tee box's Champion, Tournament, Member and Ladies, I played the CTP challenge this morning, and as I am an Armature, it did not count my score, (dummy me didn't read the rules you have got to be ranked as a Pro player.) but I get the idea and any help that you are willing to offer I will take it, and on the next course that I am going to be working on is a real course that is located in Cleveland, TN. One of my best friends runs that course there and he is their course Pro there as well, (shout out to CKell!!) but I am sure that I will need your help when I get closer to adding the pin placements on that one for the CTP, so that everyone will have a good chance on it. Again thank you for offering your assistance.

Re: Aberdeen Golf Club

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 3:11 pm
by ScottL48
I would like to thank all of the members that are on here that are designers that have contributed to this by sharing there assets for the game, their teaching skills, videos that I have spent many hours watching and still trying to get the hang of building buildings and making my own assets that I may share with everyone when I get good enough to make them! I know that there are a lot of things to share and I am grateful that they are so generous to share them, but I am learning and watching videos everyday so that I can be able to bring good courses like the ones on here to play.

Also I want to thank davefv92c, Bluesman and to RandyG for their assistance in doing some beta testing for me and pointing out what was wrong with the course, and getting all the issues resolved in a timely manner, and I look forward to having them help me out in my future adventures here @PGLS as a course designer.

So thank you everyone for letting me be a part of this great big world of virtual golf! May everyone hit fairways and greens!
Thank you,

Re: Aberdeen Golf Club

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 4:27 pm
by davefv92c
Scott, I could have sworn when you put this out the first time it had challenge tees throughout
I thought I went to test them and i ran across 1 that was just too long to make the green so I stopped.
did you maybe leave them out on your fixes? I guess i could be wrong but when a new course comes out the first thing I do is look for the full challenge tees and try them out. anyway, your first round on the skills tourney is scored on the in-game leaderboard trough the 17th did you just not finish? as all levels can play these tourneys if you did play the 18th maybe it is something Mark needs to look at to see why your 18 hole did not take.

have a good one

Re: Aberdeen Golf Club

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 5:28 pm
by ScottL48

You are correct that the first beta that I put on did in fact have the challenge tees, but when I was looking at the appearance of some the tee box's that it was just to much clutter for me. So i decide to take them out and not use them. Also you are correct that some of the holes are long, I could shorten them but that would take the challenge out of this course.

Re: Aberdeen Golf Club

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 5:33 pm
by davefv92c
that's what is good about the challenge tees they don't have to be in the tee boxes
they can be spread out on the course.

Re: Aberdeen Golf Club

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 5:34 pm
by ScottL48
so if i am getting this correct that I can place them anywhere?