Just curious how many are playing this golf game. By reading the comments seems like they continue to have issues. If you play, tell us what you like and don't like. Here is a copy just written about patch #7:
"Okay so it took me about 60 seconds to download and install the patch on my PS5.
It's been over a month since I last played. I booted up the game using my stock character (no skill points or specs). Fired up the new course and shot a bogey free -7. All this while relearning how much a putt breaks and how much slope affects distance.
So my assessment is that the gameplay itself is the same as it has always been. But I did not see any roll overs... but then I only played 18 holes.
The Private match settings are cumbersome... you might have to scroll up through 32 selections to find what you want. Not sure why this was not designed with submenus, or a single page with dropdown menus to select the options you want.
I appreciate the additional playing formats but due to the poor gameplay and level of difficulty I doubt I can get my friends to even test the new formats.
Even if EA would give us the option to remove the aiming reticule and speed up the greens significantly it would make the game much better for a segment of the player base.
So for myself, I appreciate the work done but it didn't do much to enhance the game for me. I guess I'll keep playing that other golf game for now".
EA PGA 2K23 Patch #7
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