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PGLS Presidents Cup
Welcome to the PGLS Presidents Cup.

If you wish to take part and the signing up window hasn't closed please click here and then click on Sign Up underneath your chosen side. Players can Withdraw via this page if you change your mind. Signing up does not guarantee you a place in the squad.

During the sign up period the Captains from both teams may choose their Vice-Captains from the players listed for each team. Once a decision has been reached the chosen captain from each team must send Mwh65 a Private Message with the names of the Vice-Captains. The Captains & Vice-Captains of both squads can then choose the 12 players who will form the team. The Captains and Vice-Captains do not have to be part of the team. The remaining players after the Captains, Vice-Captains and team are chosen can be used as substitutes.

The Captains and Vice-Captains will then be able to choose the pairings for the Four-ball and Foursomes matches.

All 12 players must take part in all 3 formats and no player can play more than twice in the Four-ball or Foursomes formats. Therefore each player could take part in as many as 5 matches, 2 x Four-ball, 2 x Foursomes and 1 x Single. All matches are over 18 holes and in Match Play. There is a PGLS Presidents Cup forum available to post any messages with regard to this tournament. A full disconnection policy can be found below.

The captains can at anytime replace a player for whatever reason right up to the scheduled time of the match, but must post any changes on the PGLS Presidents Cup forum with regard to the replacement and match concerned. Any players subbed out cannot be brought back into the squad at a later date. All players must report to their Captain or Vice-Captains any problems that may arise during the tournament. Any points raised can then be taken up with the opposite Captain and/or PGLS admin.

The Perfect Golf game settings used for each format can be found on the Courses / Conditions page but do not need to be setup manually in the game. Each format will be played using the API and can be found in TOURNAMENTS - PUBLIC.

There will be 9 Four-ball matches, 9 Foursomes matches and 12 Singles matches. One point is awarded for a win and a ½ point for a tie. The first side to reach 15½ points is declared the winner unless they are the current holders who will then only require 15 points to retain the PGLS Presidents Cup.

Timetable :
The duration of the PGLS Presidents Cup will be 21 days (3 weeks) from the date published in the PGLS Presidents Cup forum. The captains should try to get each format completed as per the schedule.

All matches not completed within the 21 days will be halved. Once the order of pairings have been decided on by the captains these should be sent via a Private Message to Mwh65. Captains must not publish the pairings / singles ordering on the forum. The PGLS Presidents Cup forum contains 4 sub-forums, one pertaining to each of the 3 game formats plus a Results one. Inside these sub-forums each match will be listed. Every player who is taking part in these matches owes it to themselves to use the posts to try and arrange the matches. This will then show to all players that attempts have been made to get the match played. Any changes to players in a match will be reflected in these posts and on the Matches / Results page.

Captains / Vice Captains:
Please remember when choosing players that they must have been a PGLS member for 3 months or more from the start date of the PGLS Presidents Cup and be active in at least 1 of the PGA 9, PGA 18 and PGLS Open tournies. This is to prevent players being brought into PGLS just for the PGLS Presidents Cup, more commonly known as using ringers.

You must choose these number of players from each of the 3 PGLS Levels ... 4 x  Tour Pro , 4 x  Pro  and 1 x  Amateur  whilst maintaining that ratio if players need to be subbed in. As Captain you can then pick 3 players from wherever you see fit. Please note though that  Hacker  players cannot take part.

The pairings for the Four-ball, Foursomes and Singles matches should be submitted in the order you would like them listed. Once the order of pairings have been decided on these should be sent via a Private Message (PM) to Mwh65. You must not publish the pairings / singles ordering.

We have found that what works very well is to assign each format 1 week, with the Four-ball matches being played first followed by Foursomes matches and then finally the Singles matches. Please note that the Singles matches will not be available to play until the third week, unless all 18 Four-ball and Foursomes matches have been played. Players should be encouraged to get these matches played within these time slots but these are not hard and fast rules.

The result of matches once complete whether it be won or halved are automatically posted by PM to the PGLS Admins and Captains / Vice-Captains of both teams. Captains must post as a reply to the correct topic for the format / match if there are any issues. It is advisable that at least one of the players involved in the match record it using Twitch TV ...

Twitch TV

which can be viewed by PGLS Admins in case of any disputes. Please note that if a dispute is raised and PGLS Admins have to intervene then our decision is final.

PGLS Presidents Cup disconnection policy
Below you will find rules regarding disconnections in all formats for the PGLS Presidents Cup.

If any players disconnect then the following action should be taken ...

All players should meet up in the Presidents Cup channel of the M & G chatroom immediately after disconnection. If anyone is missing then the other players will need to wait 15 minutes before abandoning the match.

If all players in the match show up in the Presidents Cup channel of the M & G chatroom then the host should attempt to Resume the match in the usual way.

If the match is abandoned then the players need to reply to the correct topic outlining the issues ...


If any players disconnect then the following action should be taken ...

All players should meet up in the Presidents Cup channel of the M & G chatroom immediately after disconnection. If anyone is missing then the other players will need to wait 15 minutes before abandoning the match.

If all players in the match show up in the Presidents Cup channel of the M & G chatroom then the host should attempt to Resume the match in the usual way.

If the match is abandoned then the players need to reply to the correct topic outlining the issues ...


Singles Matches
If any players disconnect then the following action should be taken ...

All players should meet up in the Presidents Cup channel of the M & G chatroom immediately after disconnection. If anyone is missing then the other players will need to wait 15 minutes before abandoning the match.

If all players in the match show up in the Presidents Cup channel of the M & G chatroom then the host should attempt to Resume the match in the usual way.

If the match is abandoned then the players need to reply to the correct topic outlining the issues ...
