- For monthly events, I'm using 1 month = 30 days
- These calculations include only the Tournies dropdown. The Events dropdown (and anything else) is not included.
- PGLS Tours, treated here as weekly, has a few weeks off per year and would be slightly lower if averaged over the long term.
- Tours Fedex Final is not included. Is it essentially a PGLS Tours post-season championship? If so, it may be treated as partially offsetting the off-weeks of PGLS Tours.
- Survivor and PGLS Open assume the player qualifies and plays all rounds.
- The Divisions (Pairup) and Pairup 9 involve two player teams and would likely take somewhat longer due to variations in the mode of play and other practicalities that go with coordinating two players.
- Skillz (CTP) is 18 holes but the mode of play has only two shots per hole, or 36 per round, approximately equal to a normal 9-hole round.
PGA18: 18*4 / 7
PGLS Tours: 18*4 / 7
Stableford 9: 9*4 / 7
Hazard 9: 9*4 / 7
Tough Stuff 9: 9*4 / 7
PG Classics: 18*4 / 14
The Divisions: 9*5 / 30
The Divisions (Pairup): 18*5 / 30
Survivor: 9*4 / 13
Skillz (CTP): (18/2)*4 / 7
Pairup 9: 18*4 / 7
PGLS Open: 18*4 / 30
Trifecta Tour: 18*4 / 7
Caddyshack CC: 9*4 / 7
The Caincalaway Classic: 18*2 / 30
If you do the calculations and add up the results, it works out to about 88 holes per day, slightly less than 5 18-hole rounds. Your mileage may vary but at my playing speed (about 20 minutes per 9 holes) this would take 3 hours 15-30 minutes. That's just for PGLS tournies and doesn't include Events, Ladders, Solo play or other practice rounds, or recreational Multiplayer rounds. It kind of makes you ask how much of your life you're willing to spend playing Perfect Golf.