PGA18 events open for play - PGA9 play level changes

Post here anything to do with the PGA 9 tourney.
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PGA18 events open for play - PGA9 play level changes

Post by MiMiC »

PGLS happily announces that the PGA18 format (4 rounds of 18 holes) is now active and available for all members to play.

Week by week the level of play in this longer format tournament event will change, giving players of Amateur and Pro the chance to play it, whilst the sister PGA9 event will carry the level of play not used in the full-18 event.

To make the event playable, you will need to include it in your PGLS PARTICIPATION profile - - selecting the event under Tourney Participation.

The event, and all PGLS events, now have a new way of showing in-game, with only your current round visible. The round showed will count up from 1/4, thru 2/4, 3/4 and finally 4/4. You can still play out of sequence, but to do so must be invited by a player who has their round active, you will then still have the next available round available to you the next time you play, either solo or in a multiplayer game.

If time is an issue and you can only fit in 9 holes of play at a time, you can exit the tour events at whatever stage you are at and you will resume from the same point.

Hope you enjoy success at whatever level of competition you choose.



PGLS Moderator
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