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Survivor Trifecta Tour PGLS Open Ryder Cup Presidents Cup Mid Week Challenge SSC PairUp The Caincalaway Classic

Tier Movements (Monthly)
The rules listed below are for how PGLS works out player tier movements each month. Please note these may change and any such changes will be notified in the dedicated Player Tier Movements forum.

The scores from the weekly PGA9, PGA 18, PGLS Tours and the monthly PGLS Open are taken over a month (all events which start in a Calendar month). Players will need to play 12 rounds per month in these tournies to be considered for a change of tier in either direction.

Taking just the average score, if a player only played in easier settings by accident and missed the harder events, they would have a skewed average for the month compared to someone playing all events of just the more trickier setups. So, to take out the "easy/hard" scoring problems, each round's average is worked out (ignoring the top and bottom 15% of scores). This gets compered to a Par of 72 (9 hole events to 36). Whatever the difference, this gets added or subtracted to each person's score. The rest then follows as before, all explained below.

An example, you score a 30 in a round where the average was 33, so a fairly easy set up. 36-33 means 3 shots easier than Par. Your adjusted score is 30+3 = 33. This would be doubled to give an 18 hole round equivalent and put into your scores for the month. Or, it was a tough set up and you scored a 39, but the field average was 42. 36-42 gives -6 which is added to your 39 giving an adjusted score 0f 33. In both examples, you have "beaten" the field by 3 shots and you month average will be based on that. Using the current method, a player playing the easier round and shot 30 would have an average of 30. A player playing both of the example rounds would have and average of (30+39/2) 34.5 yet they were effectively 3 shots per round better than the field, just like the first player.

The following explains what happens from here ...

Your scores are compared to all those in your Tier only. Ignoring the lowest 10% and highest 10% average scores to account for anomalies, the rest are used to form a Tier average score for the month. If your average is more than 7.5% lower than the Tier average, you will be "promoted" and if your average is more than 7.5% higher than the Tier average, you have the choice of moving down a Tier (provided you have completed 12 counting rounds during the month). The 7.5% equates roughly to 5 shots per 18 hole round. So if you are averaging more than 5 shots per round better than your average fellow Tier players, it's time to move on up!

The other way you may be moved up a Tier is if your average score for the month is better than 80% of the Tier above's average. If either of the parameters are met, you will be moved upwards.

This ensures that players out scoring the vast majority of the Tier above get moved to play alongside those their scores merit and reduces the chance for anomalies to occur as they did in Feb 19 which led to no automatic promotions from Amateur to Pro.

Any player deemed to be trying to manipulate the level they are playing at (trying to get put a Tier lower), will remain at the level they were at for the start of that month (ie, no Tier movement down).

Very high scores on 1 hole which are at odds with the rest of the round or a complete scorecard which is suspiciously a lot higher than the player's monthly average are examples of possible manipulation.

The final decision will be made by Admins.

A table will be published each month in the Player Tier Movements forum for all to see the numbers.